Friday, April 2, 2010

Year to Live, Take 2 the date of my last post indicates, I didn't quite make it with my first try at the Year to Live practice. I'm not sure when I actually stopped. But by the middle of September, I consciously decided to let the whole thing go.

It had just become too much. Digging around in the depths was a bit more than I was ready for. And looking back, I honestly don't know what the hell I was thinking. I had just come through some pretty heavy life changes. Why did I think it was a good idea to jump into a hardcore practice like A Year to Live?

Because that's what I do. I jump in with both feet and take on too much. I aim high-sometimes too high.

But as I've gotten older, I've finally started to realize that I don't have to attack everything full-force. I can do things a little slower and enjoy the journey. I don't always have to force everything along.

But lately, I've been getting the urge to take up the practice again. Having a sangha really helps. And a few people from the Dharma Punx crew have taken up the Year to Live practice on their own. The idea of having some support really appeals to me.

Because even though I don't want to overcommit...I do want to commit myself to doing the practice 100%. No excuses, no games, no missed days. And I finally feel ready to go take that on again.

So here we go. Round 2. Got my mouthpiece in and I'm ready for the bell.